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Discovery with 4 to 8 W radio CB View larger

Discovery with 4 to 8 W radio CB


STORM Discovery II 4 comutabil 8 W. CB radios. Manufacturer USA. The product isbuilt in SMD technology. It can be fed to 12Vdc.

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275,00 lei

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Power 4W / 8W, SMD technology, ways AM / FM, Autosquelch, squelch control, saving the last channel used, 135
channels, 9/19 emergency, blue LED display modes Europe / Russia, indicator emission indicator reception ,
speaker output in Romania station uses the band E - Storm Technologies, USA

STORM Discovery 4 / 8W, is a model station 2015 that can be used 4W or 8W on a station produced in the USA.


Adrian F 06/15/2019


o statie cu canale pentru banda de 11m 27mhz

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
Mihai C 06/25/2018

ieftina dar foarte buna

statie radio pentru masina beius

  • 5 out of 5 people found this review useful.
Ciprian B 04/24/2018

foarte multumit

magazin statii radio pentru tiristi beius

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.
Sabin P 03/19/2018


beius instalare si service statii radio ieftine pentru tiruri si camioane

  • 7 out of 7 people found this review useful.
Valentin C 02/10/2018

o oferta de nerefuzat

beius bihor statii radio pentru tiruri sau camioane

  • 8 out of 8 people found this review useful.
Eduard F 12/09/2017

foarte incantat

statie pe 4w dar se poate comuta si pe 8w

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.
Eduard F 12/09/2017


statia pentru tiristi

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.
Doru D 11/11/2017

imi place

statia emisie-receptie chiar daca este ieftina merge foarte bine chiar si la distanta de 15 km

  • 11 out of 11 people found this review useful.
Eugen I 11/05/2017


am achizitionat si acest produs pentru emisie receptie si sunt foarte multumit

  • 12 out of 12 people found this review useful.
Iosif V 10/28/2017


o folosesc la camioane dar si la dube si sunt multumit

  • 13 out of 13 people found this review useful.
Calin P 10/24/2017

foarte buna

la cel mai mic pret dar sunt multumit de functionarea ei in beius dar si in imprejurimi pe distanta de la 5km la chiar 20km in unele zone fara obstacole

  • 14 out of 14 people found this review useful.
Tasica A 10/22/2017


o utilizez pe doua tiruri si sunt foarte multimit mai ales ca a fost ieftina

  • 15 out of 15 people found this review useful.
Mircea R 10/21/2017

imi place

neasteptat de buna avand in vedere partea financiara dar o recomand pentru utilizarea pe tiruri sau in camioane

  • 16 out of 16 people found this review useful.
Cristian V 10/21/2017


semnal puternic testat la 15 km in afara oricarei localitati dar cu dealuri intre mine si corespondent

  • 17 out of 17 people found this review useful.
Eduard F 10/20/2017


un produs deosebit chiar daca mai ieftin

  • 18 out of 18 people found this review useful.
Alin S 10/19/2017

o statie serioasa

ieftina dar foarte buna pentru tir sau camion in banda de 27mhz

  • 18 out of 18 people found this review useful.
Ionel C 10/14/2017


recomand cu incredere

  • 19 out of 19 people found this review useful.
Gal M 04/15/2017

ieftina dar buna

o statie ieftina dar excelenta pentru cei care nu sunt pretentiosi

  • 32 out of 32 people found this review useful.
Aurel C 02/14/2017


O statie ieftina, dar merge si la 20 km daca nu sunt munti si dealuri in zona de emisie si receptie. Binenteles cu o antena buna, cum ar fi Storm ML 170 PL.

  • 34 out of 34 people found this review useful.

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Discovery with 4 to 8 W radio CB

Discovery with 4 to 8 W radio CB

STORM Discovery II 4 comutabil 8 W. CB radios. Manufacturer USA. The product isbuilt in SMD technology. It can be fed to 12Vdc.

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